La nebbia

One of my favorite Italian TV shows that I get to watch back in Seattle on MHZ Networks International Mystery and Drama programming is “Nebbie è Delitti” (Fog and Crimes). Commissario Soneri solves crimes along the Po River. It seems it’s always foggy when he is along the Po. And I enjoy watching  Luca Barbareschi .   You can see the trailer for the series here: 

This evening when I decided to walk over to the Hilton to raid their bancomat (ATM) for cash for the rest of my trip and check the gift shop for possible snacks I was surprised when I rounded the corner and saw…. la nebbia!


Since the windows of my apartment face the side of the Hilton Hotel I could not see this and I had not checked the weather app on my phone. It had told me about fog before and it lied each time.

Not this time.




You can barely see the lights on the Zattere.





And by the time I completed my business in the Hilton it had begun to lift a bit.




About mvaden1948

I love to travel to Venice (and probably other parts of Italy and beyond) and my camera leads me where she wants without any consideration as to whatever plans I may have. I enjoy photographing nature, my cat and anything that strikes my fancy. I have a "thing" for interesting doors and architectural details.
This entry was posted in City of My Dreams, Fog, fotografia, Giudecca, Photography, Travel, Venezia, Venice and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to La nebbia

  1. I love the fog in Venezia!

  2. I told you – it will show up a day or two after I leave. Typical. Annoyingly so… 😉 😀

  3. Like the fog photos, but I respectfully ask the sensitive question, “Does it small bad?”

    • mvaden1948 says:

      Ciao Greg.
      If you are asking does it “smell” bad. That is 99.9% a myth.
      The bad smell that some people (mostly people who have never been here) only happens at extremely low tide…it’s the smell of rotting seaweed….like anywhere that has tides….just like Alki Beach near where I live.
      Honest…..the have real sewers here..they do not use the canals.

  4. Shelley says:

    Oh, how atmospheric !!! I’m expecting Harry Potter to turn up around the corner. 😉 I’m so happy you scored La Nebbia, bella. x0x

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