A Missed Opportunity

But before I get to that missed opportunity….
Yesterday after our Acqua Alta the sun came out in the afternoon and there were some lovely pictures of the canal and reflections right out my window.
Is this pigeon “mooning” me?
This morning I planned to visit Cafe Girani, a coffee roaster in the Campo Bandiera e Moro that I have often walked by but they were never open.
Thanks to this video from e-venise (it’s in French) I discovered their hours are Monday through Friday from 8 to 12.
http://www.e-venise.com/shopping/cafe-girani-plan-venise.html I went out about 10 am and found them closed.
A closeup of the sign in the window reveals that they are closed for the Christmas Holidays from December 21 to January 6.
They had lovely things related to coffee in their windows and I would loved to have gone in and offered them some of my Euros.
This little sign would look lovely in my kitchen.
My very loose translation:
Coffee should be hot like hell
Black like the devil
Pure like an angel
And sweet like love.

Yes, that would be great in my kitchen….but like I said, a missed opportunity. I have been here since November 29…too late in the day that day…then we had Saturday and Sunday but I could have gone on December 2. Ah, well, there is always next time.
I meandered back towards home and wandered down a few calles in my own neighborhood. My hardware store was open but I didn’t need anything from them today.
Interesting animals made their way to this manger.
This Babbo Natale hasn’t quite made it over the flowers and into the window yet. I hope the person waiting isn’t too impatient.
Karen and I had plans to meet on the vaporetto and go to Rialto Mercato where I got some fruit and vegetables and then we walked to a restaurant recommended by my Italian teacher. It was open but the menu in the window showed higher prices than we wanted to spend on lunch and probably more food than we wanted to eat. I will save it for a dinner out treat. We then went to a place she knew for sandwiches.
It had started to rain and since neither of us brought an umbrella it was nice to get out of the wet for a bit.
We placed our orders at the counter and found a table towards the back. It is a nice, cozy place and there are pictures of movie stars and other famous people who have eaten there in the past.
My lunch.
The rain had stopped and we decided to walk some more. A sunbeam had captured this child near the Frari.
Love the plants and brick courtyard.
This lady had placed her birdcage outside so they could get some air….with a suitable rain cover of course. They were singing like they really enjoyed it.
Really, I didn’t plan this shot. The hat was just there on the gondola. All I did was step back and make sure I got it in the frame. And luckily for me, unlike Katherine Hepburn, there was not a canal directly behind me. (See the movie Summertime….you’ll understand).
We decided it was time for tea and cappuccino and for some reason I just get shots of Karen’s back.
The temperature was mild and we enjoyed our beverages outside….under the canopy of course ….just in case.
We meandered to the San Stae vaporetto stop and caught the No. 1 towards home. As I got off at Arsenale the Alilaguna was just passing. This is like the boat I will be taking to the airport next Thursday:-(
And Salute with the interesting sky without the Alilaguna.

About mvaden1948

I love to travel to Venice (and probably other parts of Italy and beyond) and my camera leads me where she wants without any consideration as to whatever plans I may have. I enjoy photographing nature, my cat and anything that strikes my fancy. I have a "thing" for interesting doors and architectural details.
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15 Responses to A Missed Opportunity

  1. Mindy says:

    I had to laugh at the gorgeous planter/courtyard photo. It looks like there is a pair of “spectacles” above the door sign…maybe someone is watching at all times! LOL

    Too too bad that you’re unable to visit the coffee roaster. I agree that the sign would be fun to have…next time you meander to Venezia you will buy it!!

    Enjoy the rest of your magical adventure.

    (did you buy red undies for New Year’s Eve? Maybe you snuck back to the store with them on display in the window) 🙂

  2. Mindy says:

    oops, meant to ask if you’d met up with Susie and Mark yet??

  3. mvaden1948 says:

    Ciao Mindy,
    You are very observant….I didn’t notice the “spectacles”. It is actually some kind of vent.
    I brought the red with me from home so did not have to go back to the store. The last time I was by there she had turned the “panties” around the right way. Although another store on that street had a better option since it is supposed to be cold….long red leggings which under my jeans could be considered “underwear”.
    No, haven’t met up with Susie and Mark. Email said they were busy till after Christmas.
    Yvonne arrives today though. I’m assuming you may follow her blog too.

  4. Jo says:

    The perfect start to my day – a wander through all those familiar streets in Venice – I could almost taste the sandwich in Ciak!! A very happy New Year + safe journey home. Thanks for all the lovely photos. Jo

  5. may1787 says:

    I love the movie Summertime. It’s a great solo travel story. I’ve been looking to buy it.

    • mvaden1948 says:

      I have my own copy….have had it for years. The DVD has bonus features about making the movie. It’s one of my favorites.
      I also saw it as a stage play…eons ago. Before you were born.
      Ciao, ciao.

      • mvaden1948 says:

        Of course on the stage is not the same as seeing Venice every time I watch it.
        I also have a DVD from the Discovery Channel…part of their Sunrise Earth series. It has four or five different shows and one of them is the Canals of Venice….like riding in a gondola as Venice awakens early in the morning. I’ll try to find the link and send it to you…or post it here.
        And I just searched the discovery channel store and that DVD is not available

        But they have it at Amazon.com

        And they also have Summertime

  6. mvaden1948 says:

    Wow, didn’t know WorkPress would put in the whole thing. Happy shopping.

  7. lizbethraab says:

    Hi Misha,
    Loved your update of another meander through Venice and Salute with the magnificent sky behind it.

    Local people here say that kind of sky brings the warm winds or warmer temperatures.
    Your posts really bring this city to life, just hearing about the places you’ve been to and all you encounter along the way. Pls say hello to Yvonne from me.
    Ciao and wish you a lovely day,

    • mvaden1948 says:

      Ciao Liz,
      Not sure those clouds are bringing milder weather. Sunny at the moment but rain predicted for most of the week…it says light rain so that is a blessing. And no rain showing on the 31 and slightly warmer than the previous prediction.
      That was one of those serendipity moments with Salute…I had just stepped off the vaporetto and turned towards home and there it was.

  8. Jan Graham says:

    That Bar in Campo de Pozzo, is the one I spoke to you about, really friendly atmosphere, love the CampoS.Giocomo de l Orio on Santa Croce.felt quite envious,

    • mvaden1948 says:

      You will probably be back here sooner than I am Jan.
      Lovely sunny day. I’m back out this afternoon. I tried to stop at this shop but she was just going out and I think I understood that she would be back this afternoon at 1 or 2 and open till 4 today. I will try to catch her because I kept missing her last trip. I have decided on a little jewelry instead of the clock. If I am meant to have the clock there will be one waiting when I move here. As I would hate to have to leave it behind. I’m not moving much beyond my clothes and computer.
      Here is the link for Alessandra who is just over the Ponti dei Scudi and around the corner from me…a two minute walk.

      I don’t go out…even for cappuccino…much alone as conversation is something I enjoy so haven’t actually been inside the bar. Did manage two cappuccino’s with Karen yesterday.
      It’s not the fear of being alone….been alone for years. I just consider it a social occasion. So I save my Euros for when I have someone with me. Maybe someday it will be you.

  9. lizbethraab says:

    Misha, when the sky is like that the warmer weather is usually already there, as you described. I guess I Was thinking of how I was told that in German, so the “bring” was just wrongly put.
    Love the photos of the bridges with the reflection making an elliptical circle in the blue water.

    Unseasonably mild weather continues here but guess the cold will kick in over new year, when we often get snow.
    Enjoy your weekend

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